Website Guide
The Basics
Things You’ll Need
And things we’ll need from you
to design a great website that works well
and is enjoyable to use.
Next: How To Succeed >>
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You know your story better than anyone…
Here are the first things you’ll want to put together to get your site started.
Logos, great photographs and clear descriptions of your business can show your visitors what you’re about and what you do. That’s the first step in a great presentation.
Dates and descriptions of events you’ve recently participated in.
Up-coming events, too.
It’s different for everyone… so please have a look at the details below and think about how you’d like to see your site work.
What You’ll Need:

#1. Your E-Mailing List
This is # 1 because Your E-Mailing List is the most important element in your online success.
These e-mail addresses are your direct link to the people that make up your “community”.
These are the people we’re building your site for.
They are the people you’ll communicate with, keep informed and who will buy your products or services.
Most importantly, these are the people who will be your advocates. They’ll tell other people about you and your business will grow.
Your Income Is Directly Related To Your Output

#2. Photography, Logos and Graphics
Photographs say more than words. Send us a lot of them.
Your photos and graphics need to be full-size, sharp and clear.
Photos, Logos and Graphics are the most effective element in your online presentation.
Post-processing (cropping, sizing, etc.) is done on our side. All you need to do is get them together and send them to us. We’ll make them work.
If you have a logo for your business or for your personal website, you can upload it here.
A Good Photograph and One Sentence Can Tell A Big Story

#3. Tell Us About Your Business
Each page of your website will contain photos, graphics and text. This is where some writing comes in.
We’ll need you to provide us with “rough” blocks of text throughout the site – descriptions of your business, how it works, what you do. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an English professor here – just enough for us to work with. We’ll improve on the copy as needed and have you proof it as we go.
You may want to include things like a short bio for staff or members of your team, the history of your business, your personal history.
Descriptions of your products, talents or services, prices if applicable.
All text must be typed in an e-mail or text/Word document.
Nobody knows more about your business than you do.

#4. Your Content: Current News and Information
More text.
Your visitors want to know that they’re dealing with real people, what you do and where you’re going to be.
Do you have events or appearances scheduled?
News, press coverage, awards, special programs?
What is your philosophy? (in 100 words or less)
What is the mission or driving force behind your business?
Google wants to know about you. You need Google to know.
#5. Contact Information
This is pretty simple and obvious – you want your website’s visitors to be able to contact you.
We’ll need your e-mail address, phone numbers, business address, any or all of the above.
If your business has a store front or physical location, we’ll set up a Google map with directions to it.
Who You Are – What You Do – And Where You Do It